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The Kombi has always been an icon for those who believe in a better world. 65 years later, leaving the planet in better shape is more important than ever. So as part of our push to a more sustainable future, we’re breathing new life into our flower power past.

We’ve created the Greenprint, an open source set of plans to help Kombi owners turn their beloved cars electric.

We started with our own, we call him KEV (the Kombi Electric Vehicle). A 1966 Kombi with all the magic we remember, from its split-screen sliding door to its shining Volkswagen badge. After a past life on the open road as a vehicle for the Dunedin Health Board, KEV was a little worse for wear by the time we found him and he was stripped back to his bare shell before we started the conversion to clean energy.

It was this conversion that formed the basis of these plans, and now KEV is usually found at Volkswagen events and dealerships around the country, spreading the word on vehicle electrification.

On this site you can walk through the 20 relatively easy steps it takes to convert a Kombi, read up on our FAQs, check out the parts we used, and even enquire about an all in one kit. It’s all part of Volkswagen’s shift to a more sustainable future, starting with electric vehicles.
Ready to convert your own kombi?
Convert your own Kombi into a brand new electric vehicle.